Vision Statement
To become a known campus resource for all community members to engage without fear in order to support health, well-being, and academic success through proactive, collaborative, and coordinated intervention striving to resolve issues before they escalate.
Mission Statement
A campus community of professionals, who identify, assess, and intervene to connect resources with university community members in need. Through a systematic approach, the team meets regularly to foster safety and success to enhance the overall learning experience for all.
The CARE Team will serve as a central network focused on preventive and timely intervention before crisis arises. The CARE Team is a resource for TAMU-Galveston faculty, staff, and students by which they can report student behaviors of concern. Examples of such instances include; but are not limited to: behavior which appears to be dangerous or threatening to oneself or others; troubling behavior; angry, hostile, or abusive behavior; or other behavior that is inappropriate or disruptive. In some cases there may be no violation of the Texas A&M University–Galveston Student Code of Conduct, but the behavior may evoke alarm or concern among involved persons.
Receive and gather information about behavior which appears to be dangerous or threatening to oneself or others; troubling behavior; angry, hostile, or abusive behavior; or other behavior that is inappropriate or disruptive involving students.
Develop specific strategies to manage potentially harmful or disruptive behavior with regard to safety and rights of others and in order to minimize the disruption to the college community.
Make recommendations to college officials on appropriate action(s) consistent with college policies and procedures.
Coordinate the college response to potentially harmful/disruptive situations.
Develop and disseminate informational materials focused on identification and prevention of disruptive behavior.
CARE is not a crisis response team but acts in a proactive manner to assist students once identified and acts to prevent violence on campus.