Jay R. Rooker

Regents Professor
Department of Marine Biology

Jay R. Rooker

E-mail: rookerj@tamug.edu
Phone: +1 (409) 740.4744
Fax: +1 (409) 740.5001

Ocean & Coastal Studies Bldg., Office 243

Google Scholars Page

Learn more about Jay R. Rooker

Ph.D. Marine Science, University of Texas at Austin, 1997
M.S. Marine Science, University of Puerto Rico, 1991
Biology, Gustavus Adolphus College, 1985
Courses Taught


MARB 302: Introduction to Marine Biology: The Sea World Experience
MARB 425: Marine Ecology
MARB 482: Seminar in Marine Biology


Natural Resources of the Mediterranean
Biology and Geology of Coral Reefs
Advance Concepts in Marine Population Biology and Ecology (Team Taught)
Ecosystem Functions in the Marine Environment (Team Taught)

Rooker JR, Secor DH (2018) Application of Otolith Chemistry to Investigate the Migration Ecology and Stock Mixing of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. In Bluefin Futures, Block (eds.), Johns Hopkins Press

Cornice M, Rooker JR (2018) Influence of oceanographic conditions on the distribution and abundance of blackfin tuna (Thunnus atlanticus) larvae in the Gulf of Mexico. Fisheries Research (In press)

Cornice M, Smith BL, Kitchens LL, Alvarado Bremer JR, Rooker JR (2018) Abundance and habitat associations of tuna larvae in the surface water of the Gulf of Mexico. Hydrobiologia 806: 29-46

Mamoozadeh NR, McDowell JR, Rooker JR, Graves JE (2017) Genetic evaluation of population structure in white marlin (Kajikia albida): the importance of statistical power. ICES Journal of Marine Science doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsx047

Wells RJD, Rooker JR, Quigg A, Wissel B (2017) Influence of mesoscale oceanographic features on pelagic food webs in the Gulf of Mexico. Marine Biology doi:10.1007/s00227-017-3122-0

Kitchens LL, Paris CB, Vaz AC, Ditty JG, Cornic M, Cowan JH, Rooker JR (2017) Occurrence of invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans) larvae in the northern Gulf of Mexico: characterization of dispersal pathways and spawning areas. Biological Invasions 19:1971-1979

Luque PL, Zhang S, Rooker JR, Bidegain G, Rodriquez-Marin E (2017) Dorsal fine spines as a non-invasive alternative calcified structure for microelemental studies in Atlantic bluefin tuna. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 486: 127-133

Moulton DL, Dance MA, Williams JA, Sluis MZ, Stunz GW, Rooker JR (2016) Habitat partitioning and movement of red drum and spotted seatrout. Estuaries and Coasts 40: 905-916

Dance MA, Rooker JR (2016) Stage-specific variability in habitat associations of juvenile red drum across a latitudinal gradient. Marine Ecology Progress Series 557: 221-235

Dance MA, Moulton DL, Fury NB, Rooker JR (2016) Does transmitter placement or species affect detection efficiency of tagged animals in biotelemetry research. Fisheries Research 183: 80-85

Rooker JR, Wells RJD, Itano DG, Thorrold SR, Lee JM (2016) Natal origin and population connectivity of bigeye and yellowfin tuna in the Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Oceanography 25: 277-291
2017: Shifts in the abundance of pelagic fish larvae the Gulf of Mexico: natural variability or consequence of DWHOS. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science (GoMOSES) Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana

2016: Population connectivity: concepts, definitions, and approaches. Primer on otolith chemistry, Universidade Federal Pernambuco Fisheries Workshop, Tamandare, Brazil

2016: Primer on otolith chemistry, Universidade Federal Pernambuco Fisheries Workshop, Tamandare, Brazil

2016: Migration ecology of fishes in the Gulf of Mexico. ECO-CIEC, Cayo Coco, Cuba

2016: Rooker JR, Arrizabalaga H, Fraile I, Secor DH, Lee J, Origin and population connectivity of bluefin tuna: insights from natural chemical markers in otoliths. Bluefin Futures Symposium, Monterey, CA

2016: Rooker JR, Wells RJD, Natural tracers in the otoliths of deep sea fishes, DEEPEND PI meeting, Tampa, FL

2015: Population connectivity of marine fishes, Universidade Federal Pernambuco

2015: Trans-boundary migrations and population connectivity of demersal and pelagic fishes. 5th Brazilian Congress of Marine Biology, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco State, Brazil (Plenary Speaker)

2015: Significance of local production and trans-ocean migrations of pelagic fishes. University of Southern Mississippi

2015: Crossing the line: migratory and homing behaviors of large pelagic fishes. Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL (Elise B. Newell Seminar Series)
Grants and Fellowships

Since 2010:

2017-2019: OAA MS/AL Sea Grant Consortium. Estimating the absolute abundance of Red Snapper in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico [PI: G. Stunz et al., Co-PIs: J. Rooker et al. $9.5 million total;
$1,379,698 to J. Rooker]

2017-2019: NOAA Saltonstall Kennedy Program. Ocean basin connectivity of Pacific bluefin tuna: linking natal origin and trans-Pacific movements into population dynamics [Co-PI: J. Rooker, $291,298 NA17NMF4270224]

2016-2019: NOAA Marine Fisheries Initiative. Life history and population structure of Snowy and Warsaw Grouper in US waters [PI: J. Rooker, $393,520, NA16NMF4330161]

2016-2018: NOAA Saltonstall Kennedy Program. Origin of yellowfin tuna in the western Atlantic Ocean: importance of outside production to US fisheries [PI: J. Rooker, $278,823 NA16NMF4270221]

2016-2017: State Wildlife Grant Program-TPWD. Temporal variability in the egress and ingress of estuarine-dependent fishes [PI: J. Rooker, $126,720]

2015-2016: NOAA Bluefin Tuna Research Program. Development of mixed-stock models for determining the origin of Bluefin Tuna [PI: J. Rooker, $116,909, NA15NMF4720107]

2016-2018: Texas OneGulf. Restoring and enhancing nursery habitats to increase fisheries production [Co:PI J. Rooker, $223,752]

2016-2018: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Biomass and Community Structure of Reef Fishes on TPWD Artificial Reefs [Co-PI: J. Rooker, $518,773]

2015-2018: Gulf of Mexico Research Institute. DEEPEND: Gulf of Mexico Deep-Pelagic Nekton Dynamics [PI: Tracey Sutton, Co-PIs: J. Rooker et al., TAMUG award $1,505,191, J. Rooker subcontract $742,340]

2012-2015: Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Nursery origin of yellowfin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico using ‘natural’ tags [PI: J. Rooker, $458,489]

2011-2013: Phases 1-3: ICCAT (Spain)/GBYP. Biological and genetic analysis of bluefin tuna-Atlantic-Wide Research Program [Consortium Proposal; Co-PI: J. Rooker €88,000 (~$120,000)]

2012-2014: NOAA Sea Grant-Texas. Movement and population connectivity of fishes across estuarine seascapes [PI: J. Rooker, $215,291 NA10OAR4170099]

2011-2014: State of Louisiana (LDWF/LSU). Impact of Deepwater Horizon incident on benthic and pelagic fish communities [Co-PI: J. Rooker, $2,937,249; J. Rooker subcontract $689,229]
NOAA-SEFSC (2011-2013). Natal origin of bluefin tuna [Co-PI: J. Rooker $154,087; J. Rooker subcontract $71,727, NA11NMF4720107]

2010-2013: McDaniel Foundation. Ocean influences on the occurrence and abundance of billfishes in the GOM [PI: J. Rooker $628,802]

2010-2011: National Science Foundation. Acquisition of instruments to facilitate and enhance education and research on marine ecosystems [PI: J. Rooker, $383,127]

2010-2011: NOAA/GMFMC (Coral Reef Conservation Program). Early life ecology of groupers on low and high diversity reefs in the northern GOM [PI: J. Rooker, $126,573, NA09NMF4410036]

2009-2010: NOAA (Cooperative Research Program). Vertical and horizontal habitat use of yellowfin tuna in the northern Gulf of Mexico [PI: J. Rooker $264,125, NA08NMF4540402]

Awards & Recognition
2015-2018: Special Visiting Research Fellowship (Brazil), National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)

2014-present: Regents Professor, Texas A&M University System

2007-present: McDaniel Endowed Chair-Texas A&M University at Galveston

2005: Hall of Fame (Collegiate Athletics-Soccer), Gustavus Adolphus College
Professional Appointments
2010-present: Editorial Board-Ecology

2010-present: Editorial Board-Ecological Monographs
Current Graduate Students

Shane Stephens, M.S. Student

Marissa Nuttall, Ph.D. Student

Alexandra Prouse, Ph.D. Student

Emily Waddell, Ph.D. Student